Thursday 9 June 2011


There is no such thing such as failure unless we accept it such as giving it up and call it quit.
This is what happens to the majority of the people when the sailing gets tough and rough.
Not so to the iron-willed ,for they know that failure is just merely a temporary defeat.
A time to draw deeper from the well of life,gather more strength and the force needed
to overcome the problem of life and forge ahead with new vigor.
There is no failure for a man whose spirit is unconquerable.
As long as there is life there remains the opportunity to gain success. 
The larger our losses the larger we must develop our manhood to tower above them.
It is never really a question of the quantity of things that we lose outside of us.
The thing that really counts is,how much is there left inside of us after losing the thing outside us?
Have we kept the spirit intact in our heart?Is it undaunted?
Do we still have the iron will to overcome it once again?
Do we still have the burning desire to conquer the world that was once ours?
As long as we have the desire...nothing will be impossible.
The man that gives up easily is not likely to amount much,even if he had everything.
Quitters never win!!Its not the falling that are tragic but in our falling we fail to get up is disastrous.
Once I remembered asking the boy how you skate that well huh??
An answer was told that embarrass me:Get up every time you fall!!"
There is no defeat,no failure,for a man who knows self.
Who knows that within him is the power sufficient to overcome the trips,the falls,the hardship,
the disappointment,the obstacle and roadblocks which precede every great victory!!

Specailly dedicated to Bro and S.kher.=)

Xian 3.08PM